Monday, May 10, 2010


A while back I was playing with my 6 year old daughter Quinn and we were brain storming ideas about how we were going to spend our Ohio afternoon together. Quinn and I find ourselves checking the weather all the time cuz its such a tempermental thing in these parts. Pretty much the antithesis of living in SOCAL where the weather is pretty much the same all the time give or take a few days. I got excited cuz the weather map showed a 2 hour window where I thought we could sneak in a hike but Quinn was not feeling up to it. I know when shes a little moody cuz she complains about the weather. Then I gave her my standard "there is no bad weather just bad gear" speech and she began to warm up to the idea. I sensed she need that extra push and what came out of my mouth next although not planned would change the trajectory of my relationship with her. I said without speaking "come on-life is an adventure." She looked at me and her eyes lit up and off we went hiking. That saying has now become a joke between us. My daughter has taken that phrase and now misapplies it to virtually every situation possible. When we go to the grocery store and she wants to go down the wrong aisle to get cheese she says-come on dad life is an adventure. When we are by my house and she wants to plant a tree seedling in the neighbors yard she says-come on dad life is an adventure. You get the point. My 6 year old had co-opted my terminology and now mocks me with it. She's a smart little girl and totally hilarious. I used it against her recently though when she told me NOT to show up at her ballet practice having ridin my bike in my cycling gear because she didn't want me to scare her little friends with my spandex. I just showed up and told her life was an adventure. We both LOL and she said DAAAAAAAAD. So what started as kind of a joke between my 6 year old and I has turned into our own little ethos and thats why you will see this phrase around alot when on my blog:)