Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Elllllllll Rooooooooosario!

Section 2 Day 5 Vincente Guerrero to El Rosario

We rode another 50 miles to El Rosario. Most of it along the beach.

I did stop at a stand by the road and by some avocados, bread, raisins, plums, oranges, bananas, and peanuts all for $4.

Then I made this sandwich. Muy delicious.

We did climb another 2500 ft so that was a hoot.

We got to Mama Espinozas. Yes THEE Mama Espinozas the annual check point for the Baja 1000 truck race and was graced with another free place to stay with great free Internet.

Man I'm moving to Baja this place is great. Everyones laid-back. They grow their own organic food on their own land AND they ride bicycles and horses everywhere! DONE. Plus they eat burritos everyday and take naps. Man I'm converted.

When I finished I riding I called Quinn. Have you ever had an 18 minute conversation on the phone with a 6 year old? The kid is hilarious. For example- we have this thing called funny Friday where we sing impromptu songs to each other over the phone every Friday. Today however is Tuesday but that did not keep Quinn from wanting to sing. She did a 4 minute straight remix of the 12 days of Christmas EXCEPT she added 2 extra days making it-you guessed it the first ever 14 days of christmas. The last line she made up was that someone gave her a heart of gold. I told her she already had that and she said AWWWW Thanks Dad.

I also told her that mi nombre es paqueto weto con el bicicleta. Which means my name is the white cowboy with the bicycle. She rolled with laughter. It was super funny.

Dane and I eating now.

I do hope this blog brings you some laughter and perhaps a smile each day as you read it.

More tomorrow.

Ride4water via Iphone4

Location:El Rosario Mexico