Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The party has started

Today Janine and I got an early start at 5:30am. Packed. Coffee. And off riding. About 12 miles into the ride the fog was super thick and I could barely see the road.

I got honked at by a semi from behind swerved into the dirt and flew over my handle bars. NOT COOL. Im fine. Bike is fine. Janine is fine. BUT I decided to not continue riding cuz it was mucho peligroso. So we stuck our thumbs out and had a ride in a pick up truck in 10 minutes.

San Ignacio is super beautiful and has dope old church mission in it

My campground for $4 has great wifi, hot showers, and you guessed it A POOL!

Which I am laying out by right now while i type this. Yes I am living the dream. My iPod is playing. My iPhone is being charged by my solar charger as I sit here by a pool. Oh and by the way. It is 80 degrees. Blue skies. And palm trees everywhere.

See you should sell your possessions. Give 30 days notice at your work. And hit the road. Right...

Quinn told me today that she developed a new way to write a capital Q in cursive. She said. You start heeeeree, then you go over theeeeere, then back over heeeere, and then you put a line through it! HILARIOUS. I told her that it was 80 and sunny where I was cuz she had a snow day at school today. She responded by saying that her mom would love it where I was and that she could go there and lose her buns! Like is said-HILARIOUS! Man my daughter is funny.

Later Dane showed up on Josh and haleys motorcycle

Then we made dinner and ate this

Then another cyclist joined us. He is like the Ted Kazinski of cycling. He rides solo. He is super creepy and i thought he was going to kill us all and throw our body parts into the river, but we all tried to be compassionate so he ate dinner with us, but I'm gonna sleep with one eye open tonight.

Ride4water via Iphone4

Location:San Ignacio