I actually felt like I worked a bit today even though we only rode about 40 miles. First of all I hate 11am start times. I like to be done at 11am not starting. Then we lolly gagged taking pictures and took a one hour lunch after riding 13 miles. It ended up feeling like a long day. We ended up doing over 2400ft of climbing as well. We stopped and decided to eat and camp at this restaurant on the aide of the road. In Baja it is so easy. You stop to eat dinner somewhere and the owners are more than happy to let you camp for free. You wake up and have coffee at the same restaurant and you are on your way. It's perfect.
My Spanish is coming along albeit slowly. I keep deferring to Jeanine cuz she knows it fluently but the situations where im alone this far it has been no problema or te nada.
I can't believe we are almost to La Paz. We should be there on Tuesday. Another 1000 miles done just like that. The days blur together now I usually don't know what day of the week it is. I just ride. Call my loved ones on skype. Listen to audiobooks. Write blogs. Shoot pictures and video. Pay bills on my iPhone. Eat alot of food. Go to bed early. It's all a blur a times.
Ride4water via Iphone4