Dane ain't feeling well today so I'm rolling solo. We didn't ride today. Its hard to believe we have been on the road for 2 months already. The United States feels like years ago. I've been busy riding, learning Spanish, and life is so vastly different here I wonder how I will adapt when I get back to the states. The people, the culture, the pace of things is just so different that it's hard to explain. No ones in a hurry. Everybody here smiles. This dude next to me right now has his ghetto blaster blaring Latin love music, he has his eyes closed, he is singing out loud, and he looks like he is contemplating his girlfriend or something. CLASSIC.
I'm feeling almost back to normal so hopefully you won't be reading a half baked blog. Sometimes I try to write and it's just one big typo. I got nothin. Other days it rolls out lika red carpet.
Leon is another place like Rio Nexpa, Puerto Escondido and La Libertad where you could wake up one day and just realize that 10 years of your life went by. These places are so easy, so fun, so simple.
The bus ride back from the beach was interesting. I met two nice Spanish gals who taught me some words and we laughed about being crammed like sardines inside. I do however get to hang completely outside the back off the bus today on the luggage rack with my feet on the bumper because there were SO many people. IT. WAS. AWESOME. I felt like a real Nicaraguan fir the first time.
Here are a few pics of the town of Leon and the beach I visited today called Las Penitas.

The Cathedral

The beach

Ride4water via Iphone4