I have prayed incessantly to the porcelain god. I have worshipped at the shrine of puke and water poo etc. for 6 days of dizzy headed I'm gonna make it somehow self talk and it appears I have emerged on the other side if this thing. Courtesy of a $5 antibiotic at a walk up pharmacy. I heart Central America. You see the Doctor for free. Prescriptions are free or you can go directly to the pharmacy and tell them what you want and it's $5. Perfect!
The future of Ryan Delamaters health care is flying to El Salvador, going surfing, getting medical treatment, and flying home.

We said goodbye to Levi and Scott yesterday. Our lives intertwined for 2 weeks. Those guys felt like brothers. I laughed. I was stoked. It was a seamlessly fun stretch of riding and I can't think of 2 other dudes I would rather come close to death by puking with than them. Those guys are the types that can do anything they want with their lives and they will be completely successful at whatever they end up doing in this world. That i know. I just completely wish them the best and I'm stoked to call them "friend."
Life is cheap these days. You can get an air conditioned hotel room w bathroom and cable for $17. Splitting it you can eat like a king and sleep fantastic for less than $20 a day no prob. Its nice in these parts because although technically it's winter here it hit 106 degrees yesterday at 11:13am. We have been getting on the bike at 6am and ridin as far as we can before we melt. We got into Honduras this morning and crossed into our 5th country on this section.

Tomorrow we will be in Nicaragua. Today I feel my ability to write coming back. I was so sick for 6 days all I was trying to do was survive. I slept 15 hours a day and walked around like a zombie mumbling to
So we are about 40 miles from Nicaragua and we will be there tomorrow.
I received a fantastic facebook message today from a friend who said she was super stoked about our ride and had gone to the Give Clean Water website and donated there to help bring clean water to people!! And she is goin to tell all her friends about it. AWESOME. I get stoked everytime this happens and it means so much to see so many great things happening thus far as a result of our ride. If you haven't checked out www.givecleanwater.org yet please do. Go there and make a donation, change a life, then tell a friend about it. Life is so good and I feels great to help others.
Hope your all doing well.
P.S. Oh yeah random Bruce Willis poster

Ride4water via Iphone4