So after feeling teeeeeerrible for a few days I'm emerging from my funk. I couldn't eat. I couldn't ride. I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't. Dane and I hopped a bus 100 miles yesterday and got to La Libertad, El Salvador which BTW is the 3rd tremendously terrific world class wave I've been to this trip. But I gotta say that this place I'm in IS the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and I will CERTAINLY be coming here again. This place we are at has live music every night, an international scene, a coffee house, a bar, a pool, a pool table, great internet, 3 perfect waves, great food, cool people, and its a whopping $25 a room for a double so for you math wizards it's $12.50 each per night. Umm can someone say sign me up! I reserve one word for this place SUPERCALIFRAGILISTIEXPEALIDOCIOUS. That is the first time I have used this word in my blog as to underscore said influence upon me.
Levi and Scott decided to ride and should be here tonight. Dane and I were still sick so here we are feeling a bit better today.
I will take a full set of pictures of this place and let you see them.
Dane and I are gonna be here in La Libertad surfing until the 26th. The 26th we will get up and begin our roughly 1000 mile trek to Panama City. For my Ohio friends I am coming there February 10-18 for my daughters 7th Birthday! Yeah Quinn!! Perhaps we can meet up one night and catch up over a cold pint somewhere.
Hope your all well.
Ride4water via Iphone4