Sunday, January 16, 2011

Out of Mexico into Guatemala!!!

Saturday 1-15
Last night we slept in a very nice gated soccer field that had the police patrolling it. The cops were super cool and let us camp for free and let us take showers and were just extremely hospitable. The US police should take notes! Can you imagine Mexican police letting US cyclists camp for free and take showers and US police letting Mexican cyclists camp for free?! I doubt it. In the US a Mexican cyclist would be arrested, deported, and mocked on the nightly news!

We had another epic dinner last night thanks to Scott and Levi. These guys are just fantastic people. Fun, smart, care free, and amazing athletes. My cycling buddies take note. These guys were doing back to back centuries through the Colorado Rockies in 20 degree weather with no cycling gear. Very gritty. Very impressive. They would make a mockery of many a gear whore because what they lack in attire they more than make up for with cardio prowess and alot of grit. Imagine being right out of college running a 4:01 mile and going on a bike ride. These guys are monsters and if they ever get into cycling competitively alot of people are going to get they cans handed to them by these two cats. Time will tell.

The 4 of us are having an absolute blast traveling together and we are planning on traveling to El Salvador together at least and HOPEFULLY beyond.

We shared a pineapple today that I bought off a vendor

We are about 50 miles from Guatemala at the moment. We are all having visions of celebrating with beers there tonight. Hopefully we can make it. We shall see.

So we made it to Tapachula about 12 miles from the Guatemala border around dark. We rested from 12pm-3pm today during the stifling heat. It's like an oven outside each day during those hours so we have been riding from 7am-12pm then again from 3pm to around dark. We rode about 90 miles today. Great ride. Nice and easy. The 4 of us got into several long discussions about God, religion, cultures, and each of those conversations seemed to spiral into something else. The whole day was pleasant.

Sunday 1-16
Well we all slept in this morning. We are riding to Guatemala now and we are going to be having a we finished Mexico and welcome to Guatemala Feast tonight.

Ride4water via Iphone4