Thursday, May 13, 2010


Sometimes I notice things that annoy me, then I ask myself WHY? My friend sitting next to me today in class is having a bag of cheese popcorn and a diet soda. This happens every Thursday morning for the past 2 years. The guy in front of me is drinking a mountain dew and eating a snickers bar. The chick down the row from me eats at least 3000 calories every Thursday between the hours of 8am-4pm that I see her. She is morbidly obese, walks with a cane, and sits with a pillow. SO WHY does this bother me? The people that I have gone to school with for 2 years are "christians"(whatever that means) and are training themselves in "counseling"(whatever that means) in order to "help" people. How come these bright people have not connected the dots between what they eat and how this affects their daily lives. Do they know what daily infusions of corn syrup do to their bodies? Do they know what daily infusions of 200% of their daily recommended sodium intake does to their bodies? I guess it scares me because my general observation of people in the counseling profession who are supposed to "help" people get healthy actually live some of the most unhealthy lives I have ever seen. Which begs the question-How can you help someone to health when you are living in an unhealthy manner? Now granted I am not a medical doctor. I am not a Nurtrionist. What I do try and do is live in a healthy way by eating a vegetarian diet full of fruits and vegetables. It also bothers me that people in the mental health field pay basically no attention to the nutritional side of things. IF we are what we eat, THEN doesnt it make sense to include nutrition within the counseling context? I dont get it. I am not a doctor but I am convinced that nutrition should be included in this field and why it isn't is a subject I would like to explore more.