Sunday, May 16, 2010


As a person who was born and grew up living in the Unites States I enjoy a tremendous amount of freedom. As I have traveled to 23 countries I have quickly learned that people in other cultures and countries would love to have the options we have. What I eat. The profession I choose. Where I live. What activities I engage in. What friends I have. What books I read. What education I get. Nobody makes me do any of these things. Which brings me to this thought. I think we are as happy as we choose to be. Nobody makes you eat bad food that makes you feel bad. Nobody makes you choose the job you have that you find unfulfilling. Nobody makes you workout and not workout. etc. I think this is a very liberating concept. If you give your dignity away by allowing your personal happiness to be dictated by other people I think your in for a very disappointing life. We are in charge of our lives. Nobody else. We get to live with the good choices we make and the bad ones.

If you disagree with this concept then who do you think is in charge of your life and decisions? I would be interested in your answer...