When I first started cycling I thought that rolling around in public wearing a balarina outfit would be a complete gong show when it came to talking to people. I envisioned little children running and hiding and the general public staring in disgust, but actually the opposite has happened. It is an proven an excellent way to meet people. Some think it hot that I show off my legs that are smoother and more tanned than theirs. Others view it as the supreme sign of confidence that I would go out in public dressed lika power ranger and not bat an eye about it. I get asked the usual questions. How far you riding? Where you going? Etc. I say "across your country-you know to the other side." So I plan on putting my waanabe wingman(yes this is me flying my buds plane thus the wingman analogy for you slow people) skills to use for my roommate. The dude is a good rider,Manages a Restaurant where he is frequently the bartender.He probably rescues kittens from trees to and doesn't tell anyone. So to any of my bloggies who wanna meet the Davinator the Wingman is takin apps.