Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thursday El Rosario to Catavina

This morning we got up at 6am anticipating a long day. We got into mama Espinosas to have coffee. Our friend Carol we met yesterday offered to buy us coffee which was awesome. So we chatted for a while and said our goodbyes. It was cold when we started and I had all my gear on.

Ear arm and leg warmers with gloves to boot. Within 30 minutes we turned inland and it got hot. Going up our first hill we met a French couple. I took a short video here.

YouTube Video

I chatted with them for a while and peppered him with questions about riding in Europe and Asia which was awesome.

The terrain was sparse and beautiful.We stumbled across this place and had lunch.

We rode for about 5 hours and I asked Dane how much climbing we had done. ANSWER-5097 feet. That's alot but cycling is a cumulative sport meanin the miles and climbing add up into training blocks of time. Dane not only has 50 pounds of gear but has done 15,000 ft of climbing the 1st week. That is a tall order and Dane has done very well. This speaks to his overall health and his bodies ability to adapt quickly.

We were both tired and it was 3pm so we stopped at this little store and decided to camp. They had buckets of water you could pour over your head for a shower and they let us camp for free. We were chatting for a while when around 4:45pm the French couple rolled in! Stoked. I've never really met a French person or couple for that matter. I just know that as Americans we each French fries and that they have the best bike race ever-DUH the tour de France. They came over and were surprised by my hammock. So i let them check it out.

I managed to snap a photo of the sunset. It is beautiful out here and it is clearly warmer now it feels like we are in the desert for sure. Not to mention the air is much dryer here.

Quinn told me to be safe yesterday. She is off to dance practice tonight and tomorrow is Funny Friday so I'm getting my song down. I gonna throw a Spanish love jam at her! Mi amor mi Nina maybe!

Ride4water via Iphone4